Below is a list of site updates. If you have any problems please contact support for help.

  • 06/05/2024 - Fixed bug in league schedule page where it would display an error message if the schedule was unbalanced
  • 01/25/24 - New league setting for calculating batter limits
  • 01/02/23 - Added ability for the league admin to delete deadlines
  • 07/25/22 - The visiting team can now enter results and stats. To enable this, you need to go into your League Admin page, and "League Settings". There is a checkbox for allowing the visiting team to edit stats. Check that and save, that should do it.
  • 12/14/21 - Added "Team News". The league admin can choose to enable Team News. This will add a "News" link to the team home page. The team owner can write any notes or updates to make public to the league. The league home page will have a link to view the team news along with the date the last team news item was added.
  • 12/03/21 - Added the pro team abbreviation to the player list page.
  • 12/26/20 - Added "All Time" as an option on the team stats page year drop down list, and the league stats page.
  • 12/25/20 - Added checkbox to view playoff stats on the team stats page.
  • 12/24/20 - Added a list of playoff series history on the new "History" link in the menu bar.
  • 12/23/20 - Added the ability to assign multiple positions on the player card, and search on those added positions.
  • 12/14/20 - Added position search to the Players page.
  • 12/08/20 - The team page now displays both playoff games and regular season games when your league is in the playoffs.
  • 11/26/20 - You can save up to three default lineups for your team.
  • 11/22/20 - Add "Totals" to the boxscores for batters and pitchers.
  • 10/18/20 - Added a Community message board for all site members. Click the "Community" link at the top of the page. This page also has a list of all site news and updates, along with areas for league openings, or members looking to join a league.
  • 05/08/20 - Added the option for tracking a player salary value on the player card. Enabled/Disabled in the league settings.
  • 01/18/20 - Fixed bug with calculating pitcher innings related to 1/3 and 2/3 innings pitched. 1/3 inning now displays as .1 and 2/3 inning now displays as .2. Entering stats enforces .1 or .2 entry for partial innings.
  • 12/11/19 - Added optional stats for tracking. Wild pitch, passed ball, balk, pick offs. Go to your league admin settings to turn them on for your league.
  • 11/17/19 - Fixed Winning/Losing streak calculation on the home page standings. Other formatting updates.
  • 11/16/19 - Reformatted some of the site styles. Updated the League Admin help page
  • 03/19/19 - Allow league admins to delete un-needed playoff games. Added checkbox on the league's batting leaders to only display qualified batters.
  • 02/02/19 - Added HBP to the optional batter stats. Also allowed for sorting on the team stats page.
  • 01/06/19 - On the "Enter Stats" page, I updated the logic for "Load Previous Game" for both home and visiting teams last game's lineups.

Last Update: 06/05/2024